David Bowie - Time Превод текста
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Vreme, on čeka na krilima
Priča o besmislenim stvarima
Njegov scenario je dečko ti i ja
Vreme, on se izvijapoput kurve
Pada na podu drkanje
Ti i ja dečko trik njegov je
Bensadin u vinu crvenom
Bili Dols zahtevni
I ostali moji drugovi
Ne žuri
Snajper u mozgu što izlučevinu podrigiva
Incestan i sujetan
I mnogo ostalih prezimena
Pa dobro na sat gledam
Kaže 9:15 i pomišljam
'O bože, još uvek živ sam'
Trebali bi da krenemo do sada
Trebali bi da idemo do sada
La la la la la
Nisi ti žrtva
Samo vrištiš od dosade
Ne isteruješ vreme
Ding-dong - izgledaš staro dovraga
Smrznućeš se uhvatiće te prehlada
Jer kaput ostavio si
Nemoj žuriti
Raskid je težak
Ali mrsko je čuvanje mraka
Imao sam toliko snova
Toliko otkrića
Ali ljubavi moja ti bila si ljubazna
Ali ljubav te je bez snova ostavila
Vrata ka snovima bila su zatvorena
Tvoj park je bio stvaran i bez snova
Sada se možda smeješ
Kroz tamu ovu se osmehuješ
Ali sve što sam imao dati
Krivica za snevanje bila je
Trebali bi do sada da krenemo
Trebali bi do sada da krenemo
Trebali bi do sada da krenemo
Trebali bi da krenemo do sada
La la la la
Da, vreme
Још текстова песама из овог уметника:
David BowieСви текстови песама на овој веб локацији су само за личну и образовну употребу.
Сви текстови песама су власништво и ауторска права њихових власника или власника.
Више лирицс транслатионс
Our World is Beautiful (Villagers' Reprise)
From the highest point in the sky (To the end of the mines)
Where is the spark? (That illuminates us)
What did it look like?
If only we knew
If only this kingdom
Would become beautiful again
Struggled, waiting for sun
The city tired of rains
You slept, crying, swallowing blood
When the dawn was seen on the horizon
I never complaint about fate
Even if it turned my morning into evening
With this evening, it brought
My heart that was left away
Little by little, it rained
My heart shattered into little pieces
When it became morning againi
'Do you love me?' - I asked
You never asked for anything
You admired my eyebrows and eyes a thousand times
Stroking your black hair,
I lost myself this night
Struggled, waiting for sun
The city tired of rains
Where do you go, swallowing blood?
Where would the dawn lead me?
Sawah Lettuces
Sawah lettuces spread out all over the ricefields
Sawah lettuces spread out all over the ricefields
The boy's mother came by to pick some sawah lettuce
The boy's mother came by to pick some sawah lettuce
Without looking, she grabbed a bunch and left
The sawah lettuces has now been brought back home
In the morning, the sawah lettuces are sold at the market
In the morning, the sawah lettuces are sold at the market
Laid out in rows, all tied up as well to be sold
Laid out in rows, all tied up as well to be sold
The girl's mother bought some while carrying a woven basket
The sawah lettuces are now ready to be cooked
Sawah lettuces are placed in a pot of boiling water
Sawah lettuces are placed in a pot of boiling water
Half-cooked, it's then strained to be eaten as a side dish
Half-cooked, it's then strained to be eaten as a side dish
With two plates of rice and nasnaran, sitting on a divan
The sawah lettuce is eaten with rice
The Little Bunch of Rushes
O maiden of the finest rushes
What a pity for you that my bundle has come undone
Would you come with me, just the two of us
Under the bank of the wood with the brightest flowers
No priest would ever hear of it
Nor any living soul
Until the birds start to talk in human language
And the blackbird starts speaking Greek.
I’ve no stockings nor shoes
Not even a stool to sit down on
I haven't a penny in the whole wide world
Unless Jesus Christ should take pity on me
My trousers are threadbare
And as you know, my blanket is worn out
Yet still there are plenty of women in the taverns
Who chase after me just for the price of a drink
Oh, did you think to entice me, young man
With your flattery? Well, it did you no good
There’s many a sensible girl
Carrying a load who has been led astray
But I myself would rather carry heavy loads
And drag them till the day I die
Than have your child on my knee
Asking for news of you when you're nowhere to be found